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Mass. grants $1.2M to help collaborative work spaces reopen

December 22, 2020 : Associated Press

BOSTON (AP) — Massachusetts has awarded more than $1.2 million in grants to help collaborative work spaces across the state expand and safely reopen, MassDevelopment said in a statement Tuesday.

The grants ranging from less than $2,000 to $100,000 are intended to strengthen community-based innovation and entrepreneurship. They are going to 26 organizations in 18 communities to accelerate business formation, job creation and entrepreneurial activity during and after the coronavirus pandemic.

“Beyond funding additions and new equipment, these awards will help recipients buy new HVAC systems and desk dividers, and implement other needed safety measures as we continue to navigate this pandemic.” Lt. Governor Karyn Polito said in a statement.

The grants come through the Collaborative Workspace Program established in 2014.