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Massachusetts awards grants in Collaborative Workspace Program

December 24, 2020 : Cambridge Chronicle-Tab

On Dec. 22, the Baker-Polito Administration announced $1,205,000 it will be awarding grants to 26 organizations in 18 communities throughout the commonwealth in an effort to strengthen “community-based innovation and entrepreneurship,” which included the Cambridge Innovation Center and Lab Central Inc. in Cambridge.

The fifth round of the Collaborative Workspace Program, administered by MassDevelopment, aims to accelerate business formation, job creation and entrepreneurial activity in communities by supporting infrastructure that “fuels locally-based innovation.”

“Our administration is proud to provide funding to help collaborative workspaces comply with the mandatory workplace safety standards essential to our COVID-19 reopening plan,” said Gov. Charlie Baker. “Now in its fifth round, the Collaborative Workspace Program continues to provide key support to our community of entrepreneurs, innovators, artists and students who drive economic activity and job creation across Massachusetts.”

“We are pleased to announce grants today to 26 collaborative workspaces across Massachusetts, which will help them improve their facilities and reopen safely,” said Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito. “Beyond funding additions and new equipment, these awards will help recipients buy new HVAC systems and desk dividers, and implement other needed safety measures as we continue to navigate this pandemic.”

“Today’s awards build on the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to helping businesses and organizations responsibly reopen,” said secretary of housing and economic development Mike Kennealy. “These grants will ensure that collaborative workspaces, key contributors to our innovation economy, have the tools and resources they need to safely carry on their work and, in turn, help drive our economic recovery.”

“The Collaborative Workspace Program is a resource for collaborative workspaces to expand, buy equipment and — this year, in the wake of COVID-19 — fund critical safety improvements to protect members and staff,” said MassDevelopment president and CEO Lauren Liss. “MassDevelopment is proud to administer this important program on behalf of the commonwealth and we thank the Baker-Polito Administration and legislature for their continued support.”

In June 2020, the Baker-Polito Administration and MassDevelopment announced the opening of the fifth round of Collaborative Workspace Program grants. Established collaborative workspaces could apply for grants of up to $100,000 for new equipment or building improvements, including adjustments to help spaces adhere to the social distancing and health and safety standards outlined in the commonwealth’s sector-specific COVID-19 Workplace Safety Standards.

The Cambridge Innovation Center is a collaborative workspace for science and technology startups that provides office space, wet labs and programming. The organization plans on using its grant of $50,000 to fund COVID-19 safety initiatives, such as creating a functional outdoor workspace and buying desk barriers.

Lab Central Inc. is a collaborative workspace for life sciences and biotech startup companies and its playroom serves as a multipurpose meeting and events space. The organization plans on using its grant of $40,000 to build additional workstations and buy furniture for the playroom in order to meet COVID-19 workplace safety standards.