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The Sun Chronicle, George W. Rhodes

Applications for downtown Attleboro grant money available soon

February 15, 2023

ATTLEBORO — Applications for grant money from the Transformative Development Initiative could be available as soon as Wednesday, according to the city’s TDI Fellow, Tracy Barbosa.

Barbosa, who works for MassDevelopment as part of an effort to revitalize the state’s downtowns in Gateway Cities such as Attleboro, said the money can be used for a number of different purposes including renovations, equipment and events.

There is $100,000 available and individual grants will be limited to $25,000 at most.

The $100,000 is part of $1.5 million being doled out to 13 Gateway Cities across the state to improve downtown areas.

Barbosa’s office is on the third floor of the Bronson Building and she’s been working there since September.

She will serve the city for a total of three years and work closely with City Hall officials and downtown businesses to bring more life back to the center of town.

The applications will be assessed by a panel of members of the community and the best will be awarded cash, Barbosa said.

She said she’s been busy visiting the more than 100 businesses in the downtown area to talk to them about “what they want for downtown.”

Among the improvements she’s hoping to inspire are improved lighting and improved “walkability.”

A press release from MassDevelopment Attleboro said the grant money is “a two-pronged approach that will offer existing businesses in the Attleboro TDI district direct grants for general improvements, marketing, equipment upgrades and other business needs, and support event programming aimed at activating public spaces and drawing visitors downtown.”

“Attleboro’s downtown is ripe for TDI because so many housing units are going in,” Barbosa said. “They are going to need services and the area needs to be hospitable.”