Orange Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for East Main Street Pocket Park
$9,500 goal to win matching grant through MassDevelopment’s Commonwealth Places Initiative
June 23, 2016
Kelsey Abbruzzese, MassDevelopment, 617-330-2086 & 617-448-9077 (cell)
Jonathan Berk, Patronicity, 617-750-6008
Kevin Kennedy, Town of Orange, 978-544-1100 ext. 100
MassDevelopment and the Town of Orange today announced a new campaign through the civic crowdfunding platform Patronicity and the Commonwealth Places initiative. The campaign will support the Town’s efforts to create a pocket park on East Main Street featuring new benches, lighting and elevated garden boxes, as well as a walkway connecting the park to the front steps of a local food co-op. If the campaign reaches its crowdfunding goal of $9,500 by August 7, 2016 at midnight, the project will win a matching grant with funds from MassDevelopment’s Commonwealth Places program.
“Commonwealth Places allows MassDevelopment to support community-driven projects that leverage resources, spur public pride and inspire individuals to invest in their surroundings,” said MassDevelopment President and CEO Marty Jones. “We are pleased to support the Town of Orange in its efforts to create a welcoming gathering place for its residents.”
The park, which would sit on land formerly used as a dumping ground, will provide a place for community members to relax and reflect. The town hopes to use the park as a small way to reinvigorate downtown Orange.
“Orange is such a small downtown, one project, one opportunity like this pocket park could have a huge impact on changing the feel of this community,” said Director of Community Development and Planning for the Town of Orange Kevin Kennedy.
Commonwealth Places is a partnership between MassDevelopment and Patronicity that leverages public support for placemaking projects through crowdfunding and a matching grant from MassDevelopment. The program engages residents in the development of strategic projects in their towns and cities. Communities, nonprofits and other entities can learn more and apply at
MassDevelopment, the state’s finance and development agency, works with businesses, nonprofits, financial institutions, and communities to stimulate economic growth across the Commonwealth. During FY2015, MassDevelopment financed or managed 294 projects generating investment of more than $2.5 billion in the Massachusetts economy. These projects are projected to create about 6,100 jobs and build or rehabilitate about 2,000 residential units. For more about MassDevelopment and its initiatives, visit